
The picture above is stolen from Menclave.



Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I Have All the Trophies for Tekken...finally.

the last things i needed to do was play 30 rounds online and beat 10 rounds of survival.

i've been going at survival ever since i beat nancy. it's easy from round 1-3. then they start moving in 4-6. once you get to 7, you can't stop hitting them or else they won't stop hitting you. at round 9, it's like when the difficulty went to ultra hard while i was trying to beat nancy. the game was just trolling. every thing to do is blocked, or get jabbed in the middle of your combo...

so today i was having a go at it with some friends. they were noobs. we got raeped. then i went to wash some dishes, during that time, about every 30 seconds one of them yelled to me about the other guy beating a round. he start yelling at round 6. he said the other guy got perfect. then at round 7, he got perfect again. and again at round 8. and then almost perfect again at 9. i was like "wtf, those noobs must be messing with me, beating all those rounds so fast and perfect too." then at round 10, they were talking about not going to win. my friend was apparently at half health without hitting. somehow he caught up and by the time he won, he was near dead. then they started cheering, and i thought they might be trolling me.

i finished washing the dishes at round 11 and went back to watch. indeed he was at round 11, all he did was use nina and slap. he was destroyed in seconds by roger jr. after all that pwnage and getting my trophy, he died to a kangaroo -_-  what's more is that he just slapped his way through the whole time.

then we went to lose online for about 15 times before getting my platinum trophy =D. those guys online serious have no life. they master all the infinite juggles, and go into massive rage combo spam if you deny them of a perfect round. >_>

now i can spend time on gunpla and anime =D

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