
The picture above is stolen from Menclave.



Thursday, December 8, 2011


stuff happened, and now i need to be out of town for at least a few weeks.
that means no ps3 or gunpla...
but random idiotic rants can continue once i get hooked up on some internet =D

i'll see how stuff goes...there's a small chance that there will be a treat for the 3 or so lurkers that occasionally come here while im on the trip =D

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Been Lazy

I've been lazy playing MW3 and bayonetta and and being plain lazy doing nothing in general...
maybe i'll post something worth reading again(really? when was the last time i did that lol) soon
or maybe i'll put up some random gamplay clips demonstrating how i can have a 0.60 K/D and 8% accuracy while still being a beast at the same time =D
too bad the game only lets you upload 30 second clips =/

oh yeah, i just remembered i had a backlog of more meaningful posts with pretty pictures i was going to do, and it's been like 2 months now...since the day i said i would do it in a week or so...
rest assured, i will get to it eventually. trolololololol =D
no, seriously, i will - as long as i don't randomly die out of the blue.

oh and btw, have merry christmas and a happy new year.
just in case i get lazy and don't post again before then XD, but i'm quite sure i will =)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Regen Duel Gundam R.I.P.

Alright! Here is the first of the things I had planned to post about.
It's nothing much, just a repair in progress(you didn't really think it died did you?).

so I was removing the leg from the waist a while ago, and ended up snapping the shaft of the ball joint as you can see below.

then, months later, I finally gathered the tools and materials I needed to do the repairs on it.
I got some precision hand drills at a local Daiso(apparently the largest dollar store franchise in Japan) and drilled 2.5mm holes into each end of the broken shaft. Then I sawed off a piece of Evergreen plastic rod of the same width at a random length(and ended up making big scratches into my beautiful cutting mat also from Daiso) that seemed about right.

Finally there was lots of Mr. Cement added in. Then I waited a day, and tried to assemble the ball and socket together again. It felt wonky, so I took it apart very carefully, which resulted in the shaft semi-snapping with the evergreen rod and all. It didn't fully dry and harden, and the cement had made its way into the core of the rod, causing it to almost break in a soggy kind of way. So then I decided I needed lots of Mr.Cement, and then left it to cure for a few days. I was pretty frustrated, and emo at that point so I didn't take any pictures.
In the end, it turned out well.
here's how it looks
the fuzzy white square at the top is the plastic rod squirting out when it was goopy and I pressed the two sides together. The white line is the glossiness of Mr. Cement. This is how it looks even when it's dry. also, the fuzzy looking stuff on the rear skirt(this is the backside, although not really a skirt) that looks like a terrible nub removal is actually the pretty white plastic being ruined by the cement because I have amazingly shakey hands - only when it matters most =P

no full shot of the gundam yet because there still some stuff that's broken or need touch ups.

Hope this post was somewhat informatice and meaningful in some way.
To be continued...

P.S. those precision hand drills are the greatest things ever invented. maybe I'll show those off some other time.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Updates about random stuff.

First off, I just fixed the charater count of my cbox. It was at 100 before and felt kind of short, so I went to check my settings and found that I could set it to 200. So now the max charater limit is about 5 lines, it should work better now.
Took me a while to figure out my cbox account name lol. I thought I had the password wrong so I reset it. Then I found out I was using the wrong username lmao. So now I don't know if i ever had the correct password before XD.

Second is that my airbrush came in. It's looking good =D. I'll post more on that later on. Still gathering bits and pieces so I can have a setup that I can work with. It's not just about the compressor and airbrush, there are a few things that go in between and around them. Those are the things I'm trying to figure out.

I thought I had a third thing, but i can't remember what it was, or if there really was one lol...

Looks like me blogging backlog is getting as tall as my gunpla...

P.S. got uncharted 2, beat the story, can't connect to multiplayer because of the famous "error synching models," and can't get my $35 worth of free DLC becuase of the stupid messed up expiry date...

Edit: Forgot, my cold is almost all excuses for not dealing with those pictures is running low..

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I've Caught a Cold

Now I have an excuse to further delay my plans. Not in the mood to think up proper sentences =D

I am so gonna punch myself when I finally post it. It's so short and simple after all, it's just that I'm too lazy to deal with the pictures...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I Won A Prize!?!?

Apparently I won GG INFINITE's september lucky draw as seen here

not here to brag about it.
I just wanted to share about how shocked i am.
I did not expect to win anything. In fact, I never expect to win any sort of draws, so usually I don't even participate. It was just that this one was simple enough so I thought "why not?" You may even remember, this blog was spawned from me joining these draws =D

So anyway, here's what happened
I was just doing my usual visit to GG's blog, scrolling through it, not expecting results to come out on this day due to GG sorting through cheaters making multiple entries. So there it was, out of nowhere the big title appeared. So I read through the post and saw the mystery prize and though it was pretty cool for GG to have planned to give away such an awsome prize that was not even released at the time of the contest. After that, I skimmed through the winners and and other prizes not really reading them. That's when my name suddenly caught my eye, then my heart launched like a javeling missile in top fire mode, after popping out of the tube, it rammed right into the ceiling and blew my house up. In other words, my heart just javelined. In plain english, it my heart jolted like I was thrown off a cliff, fell out of an observation deck, or maybe more along the lines of being in a roller coaster that suddenly derailed...
I didn't even see what the prize was, but the simple fact that my name was on the list was shocking beyong my imagination. I don't even know why it was that shocking to be honest, but it was lol.
Seems I got a GM III, but I'm still in denial XD
Be warned, good news can be harmful to your health too. =D

Not only should one always prepare for the worst, he should also prepare for the best - at all times.

For the record:
If you thought I had a magical foresight, and was still able to get surprised, you are overestimating me, and making me out to be a super weirdo. This is is not the stuff I said I had planned in my previous post lol.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Read Worthy Content Inbound

i just want to say that i have a few slightly more informative post ideas in my head. I can type them up anytime, but I'm just too lazy to upload pictures and stuff ATM.
I also have a massive anime backlog i must catch up to. it my HDD cannot take anymore lol.
so stay tuned for some read worthy content. something that isn't my usual idiodic rant about things that none cares about.
It will be coming in the next week or so, once I have unlazied myself. Just a word of warning, it's not some sort of massive revolutionary speech, so anybody who ends up reading this, don't need to get their hopes up...
come to think of it, this post might be longer than what i have planned... -_-

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Getting Airbrush Soon-ish, I Think

i've been thinking of getting an airbrush lately. any advice people? lol who am i asking, barely anyone comes here... if you happen to come by, leave me some tips or suggestions under this post or in the cbox.

anyway, i've been thinking of getting a Grex Genesis XG, the only thing is that it comes in 0.3mm. i would like to have a 0.2mm and really do some crazy stuff with that someday. i don't like to upgrade and replace things along the way, i prefer to go a little overkill the first time around, and then be done with it forever, and only make additions if it doesn't render too much of my existing stuff useless. so anyways,  i read that it's a pretty good clone of the Iwata hp-c.

any thoughts on either airbrushes?

i've already gotten a mastercraft 2 gallon comperssor. i think it should do fine for painting kits. it's about the size of an airbrush compressor, but it also has a tank. i'm not painting an entier car or anything, so it should be enough.

i'm quite sure by the time anyone reads this and bothers to comment, i will already have all the bits and pieces and will already have started airbrushing LMAO

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I Have All the Trophies for Tekken...finally.

the last things i needed to do was play 30 rounds online and beat 10 rounds of survival.

i've been going at survival ever since i beat nancy. it's easy from round 1-3. then they start moving in 4-6. once you get to 7, you can't stop hitting them or else they won't stop hitting you. at round 9, it's like when the difficulty went to ultra hard while i was trying to beat nancy. the game was just trolling. every thing to do is blocked, or get jabbed in the middle of your combo...

so today i was having a go at it with some friends. they were noobs. we got raeped. then i went to wash some dishes, during that time, about every 30 seconds one of them yelled to me about the other guy beating a round. he start yelling at round 6. he said the other guy got perfect. then at round 7, he got perfect again. and again at round 8. and then almost perfect again at 9. i was like "wtf, those noobs must be messing with me, beating all those rounds so fast and perfect too." then at round 10, they were talking about not going to win. my friend was apparently at half health without hitting. somehow he caught up and by the time he won, he was near dead. then they started cheering, and i thought they might be trolling me.

i finished washing the dishes at round 11 and went back to watch. indeed he was at round 11, all he did was use nina and slap. he was destroyed in seconds by roger jr. after all that pwnage and getting my trophy, he died to a kangaroo -_-  what's more is that he just slapped his way through the whole time.

then we went to lose online for about 15 times before getting my platinum trophy =D. those guys online serious have no life. they master all the infinite juggles, and go into massive rage combo spam if you deny them of a perfect round. >_>

now i can spend time on gunpla and anime =D

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Devs Hacking My PS3 to Troll Me -_-

I was playing Tekken 6 the other day, trying to beat nancy with my friend so that i could get the trophy for beating it. To get to nancy, you have to beat 6 stages of arcade to get to fight it as a bonus round, which does not affect your progression through the mode whether you win or lose. Nancy is part of the code name for a haxpwn massive robot boss btw.

so i was playing with my friend and dying to nance everytime. since nancy is a bonus stage, when we lose, we go back to the arcade mode, meaning we can't press continue and fight it again. so each time we failed, we had to start over from stage 1 in order to get the bonus round.
here's where it got weird. after playing for hours, there was this particular run where we got to stage 3, and then we got ourselves destroyed by the cpu. no matter what we did, we couldnt beat it. it was also obviously harder to kill than the bosses at the end of the arcade mode, including nancy. it became so imba that it wasnt even funny. so we gave up and started over, thinking it was just the cpu using that particular chacter causes it to be rigged.

we started at stage 1 again, this time, the usually dopey stage 1 warm up guy has now become haxpwn like the guy from stage 3. it was too hard to beat, so we restarted again. this time we beat the guy after a few tries, and then proceeded to get creamed at stage 2 >_>

we tried to restart a couple more times, but the cpu was just as rigged. we came to the conclusion that the devs have hacked my ps3 and are playing as the cpu just to troll us, so we gave up for the day.
next day i tried, it was still rigged, but i seemed to have gained skills overnight, and was able to beat the first two stages after a few tries, but the cpu on stage 3 was just too ridiculous. i restarted a few more times and the results were the same, i could only get to stage 3.

i gave up and went back to do the same. the results were once again just as sad. then i went to check the options and looked at the difficulty setting. i was like  "O_o WTF how did this happen?" what i saw was that the difficulty was on ultra hard. so i put it on easy, and then went back to try again. after that, the difficulty felt like it was back to the way it was.

to give you an idea of how big the difficulty gap was, here's the list of them: easy, medium, hard, very hard, ultra hard. at stage 1 on easy, the cpu would stand around for a few seconds before attacking a couple times. usually they would miss if you were crouching because they couldnt tell you were low. on ultra hard, no matter what you make your character do, that same button input would instantly make the cpu do the corresponding countermeasure. so if you pushed down kick, the cpu would use down block against it so fast that you'd think you were controlling the cpu while your character would now have even moved. the cpu's attacks consist of mostly 10+ hit combos that end in an unblockable move... it was truly rigged beyond being beatable. it must have been a miracle that i was able to beat the first two stages at all.

the final conclusion that i came to was that the devs hacked their way into my ps3 and cranked up the difficulty in the middle of my playthrough and set it to max just to toll me.

now im too sleepy to know what i am typing after ranting on for so long about nothing

Thursday, August 18, 2011 promo campaign

i have recieved intel about it being available in HK even though it isn't listed as a participating country(cause it isn't a country) like japan. but apparently those code cards still come in specially maked boxes, although my source has somehow not been able to enter the draw... =__=
could be that they give it out in HK but don't let you use it, or the store could have directly imported/bootlegged the kit from japan where the promo only gives the one type of prize and the code is not applicable out side of the country, or that HK is a participating region, but each region's codes can't be used for an address from other participating regions(in this case a Canadian address). derp

btw, the mg epyons in HK also come with that special book...unless it is a japan exclusive but the kit was imported also...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Brain Pain

i was grinding in darksiders to get the battle hardened trophy. it took so much to max my weapons out. i risked crashing the system so many times because i was grinding in the ashlands doing the infinite enemy horseman spawn trick lol. in the end, i maxed everything out and bought every combo move there was right up to the max level. after doing all that, i didn't get my trophy.
i became frustrated and loaded my last save to redo the last part in hopes of the trophy being triggered. it didnt work, so i went to search for a solution, i eventually, after much rage, i discovered that the maxed out chaos eater didn't count as a maxed out weapon. i had to replace the chaos eater with the armageddon blade, which comes at max level, in order for it to count as a max level weapon and to get the trophy.

now im doing the rubberband horse riding thing. tomorow, i will have to farm the lamp post save/load reset thing to get my improvised kills...

btw im so sleepy and my head hurts now =(

edit: you know what's sad? during the time i typed this post up, i already acquired the dark rider trophy, rather than taking the apparently normal 2-3 hours. thats how much i was grinding in the ashlands...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My First Gunpla Post =D

heres a WEIP(work eternally in progress) that I took a picture of many months ago.

its more or less still in about the same state of progress but more broken... im never gonna finish this thing at this rate. the left hip ball joint is broken and stuck inside the thigh ATM... the support arm for the cannon is all cracked because apparently the ABS plastic can't handle enamel. I wasn't even planning to pain that part, but I got a smudge of paint on it and didnt feel like going through the trouble of cleaning it off  Orz
at this rate, it's never gonna be finished, therefore a WEIP.

here's a bonus reward for reading this post =D. if you can cross your eyes, look at the left side with your right eye and the left pic with the right eye. adjust your eyes until both images overlap into one. once you have that, just keep your eyes still and wait for them to focus. finally enjoy the stereoscopic 3D effect =D

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Added Modelling/Gunpla Building Guide Page

I've added a basic modelling page that I will use to take notes of what I find across the internets. By no means are they correct, tried, or tested in anyway by me so i do not know if they are correct. Please post in cbox or comment under this if you think something is missing or wrong.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


No, they aren't Kalafina, they are imposters, but they are even awesomer. The group consists of ENE, Guriri, Nobunaga, and Wataame. Each of them amazing (apparently Korean?) nico singers alone. I've been listening to their covers for sometime, but I just discovered they formed a group. I should have found out earlier. XD
here's Magia

and here's Lacrimosa (apparently the pics are from seacats, but I haven't watched it so I wouldn't know)

I found a left/right comparison on nico sound =D
Kalafina on the left. Kalafizza on the right. You can't tell them apart. It's just one big 7 girl band. =D

they even covered FictionJunction's Toki no Mukou Maboroshi no Sora(with a video full of Crisis Core and Advent Childer scenes. Epic stuff.)

Here's a left/right comparison of this. Kalafizza on the right again. Their singing is not as in sync, but still as awsome.
btw, I am totally reading "Kalafizza" with an italian accent =D.
P.S. I figured out how to embed videos =)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Blog updated!

added some pretty stuffs in now =D

I now know what I want to do with this blog. I will use this place to blog about my struggles with blogging!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

One Big Problem Solved: Now I Can Comment!

Thanks to Rick James' Ghost at Gundam Guy's comment box, i can now post on blogger blogs properly. It seems the always stay signed in option is bugged. I signed out and signed in again without checking the box and now it works. And for some reason I still stay signed in anyway. I can see the see the sign out button on the top right now too. It was stuck as sign in before, but when I click it, it still takes me to the dashboard. Weird stuff.
Even weirder is that I'm making a post on a blog that no one is ever going to read. XD

Edit: Looks like fixing the problems also cause me to unfollow myself. Grrr. =/

Friday, July 8, 2011

Congratulations! I am the first follower of my own blog!

How sad is that?
Anyways, I was just practicing posting and labelling...

HAHAHA FUUUUU not funny. how does anything work here??

Can't post comments properly with embedded form. only works with pop-up window. how to fix??? No one even comes here, I wonder who I'm talking to.

Also, everything feels so clunky right now. I can't even find the buttons I want. Grrrrrr!

Oh hello thar. I haz a blog and I don't know what to do with it.

Cool, I have a blog now, and no one will ever see it. =D
Maybe i should stop typing to myself and put some content in...
Here's some stuff blowing up for starters =D
Note: read the top comment before watching.