
The picture above is stolen from Menclave.



Saturday, October 22, 2011

Updates about random stuff.

First off, I just fixed the charater count of my cbox. It was at 100 before and felt kind of short, so I went to check my settings and found that I could set it to 200. So now the max charater limit is about 5 lines, it should work better now.
Took me a while to figure out my cbox account name lol. I thought I had the password wrong so I reset it. Then I found out I was using the wrong username lmao. So now I don't know if i ever had the correct password before XD.

Second is that my airbrush came in. It's looking good =D. I'll post more on that later on. Still gathering bits and pieces so I can have a setup that I can work with. It's not just about the compressor and airbrush, there are a few things that go in between and around them. Those are the things I'm trying to figure out.

I thought I had a third thing, but i can't remember what it was, or if there really was one lol...

Looks like me blogging backlog is getting as tall as my gunpla...

P.S. got uncharted 2, beat the story, can't connect to multiplayer because of the famous "error synching models," and can't get my $35 worth of free DLC becuase of the stupid messed up expiry date...

Edit: Forgot, my cold is almost all excuses for not dealing with those pictures is running low..

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