
The picture above is stolen from Menclave.



Sunday, October 30, 2011

Regen Duel Gundam R.I.P.

Alright! Here is the first of the things I had planned to post about.
It's nothing much, just a repair in progress(you didn't really think it died did you?).

so I was removing the leg from the waist a while ago, and ended up snapping the shaft of the ball joint as you can see below.

then, months later, I finally gathered the tools and materials I needed to do the repairs on it.
I got some precision hand drills at a local Daiso(apparently the largest dollar store franchise in Japan) and drilled 2.5mm holes into each end of the broken shaft. Then I sawed off a piece of Evergreen plastic rod of the same width at a random length(and ended up making big scratches into my beautiful cutting mat also from Daiso) that seemed about right.

Finally there was lots of Mr. Cement added in. Then I waited a day, and tried to assemble the ball and socket together again. It felt wonky, so I took it apart very carefully, which resulted in the shaft semi-snapping with the evergreen rod and all. It didn't fully dry and harden, and the cement had made its way into the core of the rod, causing it to almost break in a soggy kind of way. So then I decided I needed lots of Mr.Cement, and then left it to cure for a few days. I was pretty frustrated, and emo at that point so I didn't take any pictures.
In the end, it turned out well.
here's how it looks
the fuzzy white square at the top is the plastic rod squirting out when it was goopy and I pressed the two sides together. The white line is the glossiness of Mr. Cement. This is how it looks even when it's dry. also, the fuzzy looking stuff on the rear skirt(this is the backside, although not really a skirt) that looks like a terrible nub removal is actually the pretty white plastic being ruined by the cement because I have amazingly shakey hands - only when it matters most =P

no full shot of the gundam yet because there still some stuff that's broken or need touch ups.

Hope this post was somewhat informatice and meaningful in some way.
To be continued...

P.S. those precision hand drills are the greatest things ever invented. maybe I'll show those off some other time.

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