
The picture above is stolen from Menclave.



Thursday, March 1, 2012

Me noticing stuff coinciding again.

this time it's relevant to this blog because there is pewpewpew involved =D

there are unrelated ads that use the same good old music cause it's good
then are video game trailers that the use the same song out of the blue both for the sake of being obnoxious and are released exactly one week from each other. -_-

seriously, lolwut?
gearbox did it for teh lulz, but why you do this bamco?


  1. As obnoxious as that music is I'm still looking forward to ACV, hopefully the music will still be good since it was probably one of my favourite things about AC4 and ACFA. It managed to make teaming up with White Glint in AC4 pretty awesome, and at times make some of the missions kind of sad for what they were. Particularly when you're basically sent in to eliminate a brother-sister pair of NEXTs. Also that end face off with the Agetha.

    Other than that I hope the story is better than what I've heard about it so far as well, people usually complain about the lack of a story but when you read between the lines it was actually pretty good. I liked it.

  2. i think this time the story will be better. i heard they are making it a single dedicated story line packed into 10 missions. and each one will be the length 4 missions from the previous games as well as side quests in them.
    that sounds much more intersting than the classic straight forward missions.
    and last i heard there were at least 83 order missions which act as a sidestory near the later half.

    i don't think i'll have any complaints about single player content =D
    gonna wait and see if ppl i know are getting it before i decide when i'm getting it.
    i've got a backlog of games that i need to finish too XD

  3. Same here, I keep getting carried away playing some games without getting around to playing any other ones, either that or I start playing something else without finishing it. I still need to finish off AC: Revelations and my Nuzlocke run of White.

    I heard something along those lines as well, though it was more of the shallowness to it all that had me concerned. The subtlety of it in AC4 and ACFA was something that I thought made it great in AC4 and ACFA, particularly when you figure out just what is happening and why, along with just who some characters really are (White Glint/Ostarva/etc). That said that was just from some post I saw on /m/ a while back, so it's probably not exactly accurate.

  4. that reminds me, i need to finish one of the storylines in ACFA. spent all my time trying to beat hard missions to get FRS so i could beat that quad boss battle without cheating... and also need to finish AC Brotherhood lmao. i just recently got those mw3 trophies. only tried to get them because they were so easy. then i have extreme vs trial missions. those were what i've been working on.
    im also halfway through boishock 2 and idk how far i am in folklore. those are just a couple that i havent completed the story of and left for so long that i dont even remember what's happening off the top of my head.

    there's also mario galaxy and metroid prime 2 and 3 as well as other M...this does lead me back to gamecube games like harvest moon...and then the first digimon RPG on ps1...and then SNES... ah yes, gonna finish super mario world sometime...once i fix that yellow composite cable =D

    but atm i have been trying to finish borderlands 1. looting and comparing guns is always time consuming lol

    there are a bunch of games i dont have but want to play as well...
    and my gunpla backlog is also almost reaching a professional level =D

  5. I think I've almost given up on Gunpla, I've got an Omnimon kit sitting there just waiting to be painted but I just haven't been able to get around to it. Not to mention that there hasn't been that many kits released recently that caught my attention, though I'd like to try my hand at a few of Kotobukiya's Armored Core kits and some of the Unicorn MGs.

    Yeah, that mission was a bitch, Marche Au Supplice is a walk in the park compared to it, even with the infinite EN that ACFA brought in. That said the key is still the same, aim to kill one or two within the first few seconds and avoid being surrounded at all costs.

    Sounds like you really do have a backlog there, my problem is that I keep getting distracted by EUIII. Brohood is great as far as gameplay is concerned, I'd say it's where the series reaches its highpoint. Revelations was okay, but though it had an amazing trailer, an interesting setting, and the return of Altair, the gameplay was kind of stale, the new additions were new additions for the sake of new additions. The story for Brohood however is a mixed bag, seeing Ezio form a band of Assassins and take down Cesare by simply buying all of Rome is awesome, but it's little more than a sidestory and I found a couple of the last few missions to be annoying. Not to mention that cliffhanger on Desmond's side of things.

    I just hope AC3 brings in the French involvement, that way we might just get the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars as a sidestory later on.

  6. TBH if you aren't motivated to build gunpla then neither the AC kits nor ver ka UC MG sound like a good idea to try your hand at lol. those look like a PITA. on the other hand, the non ver ka ones, as in the rezels and delta plus, are much simpler and might be what you need to get back in the groove. =D
    i've got the commander type and delta plus in my backlog lol. there's also 007/s, wing ew, ds hell ew, victory, and ozma's armored messiah.
    atm i'm speeding through an hg calamity that my friend is too lazy to build...
    i usually try to build while watching anime, or while my friends are doing all the driving and killing in borderlands while i afk lmao

    AC3 sounds interesting with all the updates and stuff, but i think i'll need to see some actual gameplay to decide if i like it.
    i saw a poll somewhere before the official setting was revealed. forgot if it was official, but it was asking for the most wanted setting and one of the choices was the american revolution. there was also japan, china, and one other place which i dont recall... i think i voted japan cuz the idea of flying on a kite, throwing shurikens, and assassinating people in general seemed to fit the theme of the franchise >_>
    i wish they'd make a game about desmond. there is so much fun to be had when assassinating with modern weapons. imagine all the lulz to be had with cars and rocket launchers. how fast it would be to travel by taking the elevator up a sky scraper and then base jumping off with a wing suit. it would be such a challenge avoiding civillians while spraying with machine guns. and of course, there's gotta be a chainsaw in there somewhere as a max stats weapon =D

  7. One's definitely on it's way I'd say, either that or AC3 will be extremely Desmond heavy. And the combat would be interesting to say the least, I found guns to be pretty annoying in Revelations but it also looks like they may have gotten it right in AC3 so far. Evasion and staying in constant movement are key unless you want to be riddled with bullets. Eliminating the problem of over simplified combat, and Connor doesn't appear to be wearing any armour either so he won't be able to shrug them off. That said I can't see them going too far with weapons for Desmond, hidden blades, a pistol, and maybe a stun baton and flashbangs/smokebombs to keep the same style of combat there.

    And I heard of that as well, and despite the obvious result I'm still kind of disappointed by it, in this timeframe the likes of Revolutionary/Napoleonic France and Victorian England are far more interesting than America. Not to mention while the way they've described the wilderness so far sounds beyond incredible (changes with seasons/won't be empty and useless like AC1's was/and fighting bears) and sure there'll still be buildings to climb, but nothing could really compare to running through the congested streets of London or scaling the picturesque rooftops of Paris. But what else could you expect? Interestingly enough, the spinoff movie Embers, suggested a possible addition to the franchise set in China, though I can't see it being relevant to the main series.

    I'm actually considering a Delta Plus or a ReZEL right now, they're pretty much on sale everywhere, it's just a matter of getting my hands on one somehow than the overall difficulty of the kit. As ordering Gunpla usually means having to import them from Japan, which in itself is something of a hassle, the only stores here that I've seen selling Gunpla were on the other side of the country. And where I am now I don't exactly have access to my airbrush.

  8. i didnt even know about Embers. just watched it. the animation was kind of derpy, but the story was interesting. i can see how they could make filler games set in china after AC3, while they are making AC4.

    aside from my rather over the top suggestions for desmond's armaments, i think it would be pretty interesting to combine ghost recon style cover based action with the open world parkour. i think it would add a lot to the whole stealth/assasination theme rather than waltzing down the street dressed like a sore thumb XD. sniping could be interesting too, if they made it into a very serious gamplay mechanic where windows of opportunity and skill matter. make it into a CQC option like a generic fps game.

    i can see your problems with obtaining gunpla. im not into the whole internet shoping and shipping stuff. it's good to be chinese and have family and relatives annually going to and coming back from HK =D.

  9. I kind of envy you in that aspect, it's not that bad ordering them online but it sure is rage worthy when the packaging material bumps the shipping price up from SAL to EMS. Other than that it can even be fairly cheap sometimes.

    More stealth/actual assassin work is something the series could always do with more of, in Brohood there were missions that required you to remain undetected at all times (slowly infiltrating the Vatican undetected alongside a tune of Latin chanting was awesome) or do things in a certain way for full sync but it still wasn't enough. The only problem with bringing in sniping is that it could get a little too easy, not as if AC isn't easy to begin with but you can already stroll along the rooftops and just pick off guards with a crossbow with ease, there'd have to be an element of risk to it.

    Also I remember an excuse put out for the blatant assassin's outfit was that it's merely how the animus represents Altair and Ezio. They don't necessarily go around in it all the time, Ezio especially (Altair probably did), but it's both how it and Desmond perceive them to simplify things.

  10. i guess that outfit explanation is somewhat acceptable, especially for Ezio, who has no reason to dress like that at all lol.

    my idea of sniping in AC is actually to have it be very realistic making it very difficult and unfavourable to perform. kind of like a plan B mechanic.

    imagine in the modern day, you see someone hauling a sniper rifle strolling through the city. rather than blending in with crowds, im sure there'd be SWAT breathing down their necks in a blink. the only way desmond could carry one around would be to have it disassembled in a case. it could take the place of the crossbow, but using it would require setting up. even if it only took a second, it would be kind of like getting on a horse, where it just doesnt work when people are trying to kill you, especially when in the modern setting, they can shoot you from whatever distance.

    the only reason you would want to snipe would be to attack a heavily guarded target that you couldn't walk in on. but such a target would probably be guarded by snipers of their own, making it a challenge just to sneak in to a spot to snipe from...that is if you can find a spot without a skyscraper obstructing your view. =D

    as for the actually sniping, just put in a little wind and gravity and it would become a real challenge.

    once you fire, cops/guards/bad guys would converge on you, and you have to pack up your gun before you can leave. just imagine how hard it would be to get away from a helicopter lmao.

    I'm starting to think a modern setting AC would be quite difficult lol.
    still, i found sniping with the crossbow in AC brotherhood quite amusing. i figured out the spot outside the trajectory reticle thingy to aim with and still hit people way beyond the lock on range. it's quite satisfying to freefire a bolt without the boring autolock and watching it pass between dozens of civilians before finally hitting a patrolling guard near the edge of the character rendering distance.

    there's just something about watching a projectile "slowly" fly to an unsuspecting target that can't be compared with =D

  11. btw i think you might want to hold out and see if bandai will make MG Rezel Defenser kits =D

  12. I was tempted to get a Delta Plus but I saw the Banshee and decided to get that instead, that black paintjob and apparent fluorescent psychoframe. Plus a Banshee MG had been something I had always wanted since I saw the design, it's simply beautiful.

    Haha, I don't think I ever got that skilled enough with it, it will be something I'll have to test out, all I really used it for was for picking off guards and throwing knives work almost as well for that. And that could work, it would have to be a high profile way of doing things since the moment a target drops they'd automatically know that there was a sniper and attempt to rout you, any element of stealth would be blown. Then there would be the matter of both finding and securing the right vantage point where you could take the shot and then get out of there as quick as possible.

  13. that's the kind of sniping i'm talking about. it's like setting yourself up for some intense gameplay by cornering yourself into it =D

    banshee does have a pretty good colour scheme, but somehow i'm just not into the general unicorn design. it always looked plain to me, although i do i like banshee more than unicorn, but those new weapons give it odd proportions IMO.
    even though i'm not all over banshee, i thought my bro would want it since he's got the unicorn and sinanju, but it seems the bulging claw thing has put him him off more than it did for me. XD

    meanwhile, i'll be waiting for mg jegans and jestas and even the zulus...if they ever have a chance... i think the grunts are where the series shines =D

  14. That probably stands true for the UC series as a whole, the one of a kind super suits are cool and all but the grunt suits have their own gritty attractivenss to them that makes it not that hard to prefer them. There's a reason Zaku's and such are so popular.

    To be honest I was almost put off by it as well but it isn't really that bad, it works nicely to distinguish it from the original while giving it a much more savage impression and being much more geared towards offense. At the same time though both the cannon and the claw still feel as if they've been tacked on and are off balance.

    On another note, I managed to pick up a copy of Armored Core V, I'm still not that far into it but so far it really feels as if they've dumbed it down. The gameplay is great, though a little too straight forward, the battlefields are more immersive and the combat is a lot more gritty, but the story (yes, I know this is a From Software game) and characters are just as bad as I heard it was so far. I'll keep playing but I'm not exactly impressed so far.

  15. tbh my excitement for ACV kinda dipped when i found out you can't fly anymore. i know there's the wall jumping, hovering, and dashing etc... but free flying is just much more fun. although i haven't played most of the games in the series, i always thought of armored core as the one game that gave you manual throttle for free flight and hover control. it was the one thing i enjoyed most from the game. i still remember the hours i spent in vs more in the original AC for ps1. even though there was next to nothing to customize, it was tons of fun to fly around and shoot my bro - especially with free fire rockets from beyond locking range. those were awsome times =D

    i can see how you feel the game is dumbed down. even the missile type weapons, i heard they were taken out as a hand weapon and now all shoulder weapons are missiles, or something like that. it really takes a lot away from the specialization aspect. i didnt mind about it too much before, but coupled with the fact that you can't properly fly and i can already tell it's not they type of gameplay i that i enjoy from the series.


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